Respect the Community
We're not asking for the kind of respect reserved for nuns, the elderly, and brain surgeons. We mean don't abuse the site. We trust you to be responsible, and many of users respect that trust. Please be one of them. Chat Room Rules:
Be Friendly.
Respect Each Other.
Nude Background Images Are Not Allowed.
No Nudity And Sexually Explicit Language.
No Personal Insults To Other.
Do Not Speak In A Language Other Than English And Tagalog.
No Flooding Or Spamming.
Do Not Impersonate Other Members.
Do Not Post Links To Other Sites.
Violating any of these rules, or behaving in any manner that the chat room moderators deem unacceptable even if it is not yet specially stated above may result in kicked or or even banned from the chat room. We reserve the right to update or change these rules at any time without notice. is for the Community
Remember that this is your community! Each and every user of makes the site what it is, so don't be afraid to dig in and get involved!
That's it! Thanks for reading!
We're not asking for the kind of respect reserved for nuns, the elderly, and brain surgeons. We mean don't abuse the site. We trust you to be responsible, and many of users respect that trust. Please be one of them. Chat Room Rules:
Be Friendly.
Respect Each Other.
Nude Background Images Are Not Allowed.
No Nudity And Sexually Explicit Language.
No Personal Insults To Other.
Do Not Speak In A Language Other Than English And Tagalog.
No Flooding Or Spamming.
Do Not Impersonate Other Members.
Do Not Post Links To Other Sites.
Violating any of these rules, or behaving in any manner that the chat room moderators deem unacceptable even if it is not yet specially stated above may result in kicked or or even banned from the chat room. We reserve the right to update or change these rules at any time without notice. is for the Community
Remember that this is your community! Each and every user of makes the site what it is, so don't be afraid to dig in and get involved!
That's it! Thanks for reading!